Optimistic October has a certain ring to it! It brings a wry smile to my lips, as historically, the latter months of the year bring the challenge of SAD (Seasonal Adjusted Disorder - more about this in an earlier blog) which has to be carefully managed, if I want to be there to support other people! It got me to thinking, I have said it so many times before but it's all about mindset.
I had a few personal challenges in September and found myself feeling a little sorry for myself. Like so many people, over the past eighteen months, I have missed seeing friends and had begun to imagine they had forgotten all about me! You see, even seasoned, mindful living people can have blips?! It pulled me up, so I asked the four questions that I find so helpful in life: 1. Is it true? 2, Can you absolutely know that it's true? 3. How do you react when you believe that thought? 4. Who would you be without that thought? They are the four questions from Byron Katie's, 'The Work'. Definitely worth searching out. Of course, I quickly came to the reality that these thoughts were coming from my 'monkey brain', making mischief yet again! I got in contact with a couple of longtime friends and got caught up on all the chat. I also realised that they value my friendship as much as I do theirs. The chat about shared experiences of years ago, mixed in with our current lives and plans for the future left me with a warm glow! I value the loyalty of friends. I came home from one such visit to randomly draw the 16 Guideline card for the month of October and surprise, surprise, it was 'Loyalty'! I love how the guidelines pop up at just the right moment. I will be sharing more about loyalty throughout October. Loyalty has the potential to:
In response to my 'blip', and in preparation for the winter ahead, I have also been refreshing and embedding my selfcare habits. More about that another time...
AuthorThank you for reading this far! AndBreathe... is a very exciting venture and I am glad you have joined me on the journey! Archives
October 2024